• 2024 check
    • Aug

      2024 Culture Flowing Art Island Nodeul ‘K-CULTURE Special Week’
      – K-pop performances and exhibitions that have become the center of global pop music
      – AmorePacific Sympathy Foundation co-hosted EBS Space Sympathy Co-operation Performance and Exhibition’

    • Jul

      2024 Art Island Nodeul ‘Creative Performance’ where culture flows

      – Creative performances of selected works such as live tango and tap dance are held in the grass yard of Nodeul Island

    • Jun


      – Events representative of street culture such as a global street culture festival, breaking, street dance, and hip hop are held.

    • May

      2024 Seoul Circus Festival

      – Korea’s only circus festival, circus

      performances, exhibitions and experience programmes.



      2024 Seoul Drum Festival

      – 〈DRUM MY SOUL〉 The 26th Seoul City’s notable drum festival


      2024 Nodeul Island Nodeul Culture Cluster Construction MOU

      – Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture·AmorePacific Foundation·Amorepacific Empathy Foundation

      – Flower planting techniques, on-trend makeup exhibitions, cultural events, etc.

      노들 컬처 클러스터 구축 업무 협약


      2024 Art Island Nodeul, where culture flows <Nodeul Culture Camping>

      – Movie screenings and performances with camping concept on the Lawn Yard on Nodeul Island


    • Apr

      Art Island Nodeul, where culture flows Opening performance

      – Expanding opportunities to enjoy culture and the arts and strengthening global cultural content

      – Featuring: Musical ensemble Gwangchil, Ambiguous Dance Company and Portena


      Live House_Random Talk Concert

      – A range of cultural and artistic lectures and performances at the ‘Live House’, music-only theatre (April to November)

      노들섬 라이브하우스 뜻밖의 토크 콘서트


      2024 Live street performances in every nook of Seoul

      – Taking place across Nodeul Island


      2024 Seoul Jazz Festival

      – Celebrating ‘World Jazz Day’, performances by domestic and international jazz musicians.

    • Jan

      Operation of the Nodeul Island cultural complex space

      -Seoul Metropolitan Government


  • 2023 check
    • Oct
    • Oct

      Han River Nodeul Island Classic

      -Ballet <Swan Lake>, Opera < The Barber of Seville>

    • Sep

      2023 Hosted Seoul Music Festival

      – Featured: Koyote, Lee Min Woo, Jung In, Nucksal x Cadejo, Teen Top, Song Ga-in, GAHO X KAVE

    • Jul

      Live street performances in every nook of Seoul

      – 1st July ~ 26th November (Takes place at Nodeul Bookstore, Friday-Sunday & Public holidays)

      2023 구석구석 라이브

    • Jun

      2023 Seoul B-Boy Festival

      – Breaking & Street culture festival

    • May

      2023 Seoul Drum Festival

      – Hosted 25th Seoul Drum Festival ‘Knock, Express Yourself!’

    • Apr

      2023 Hosted Seoul Jazz Festival

      – Celebrating ‘World Jazz Day’, performances by domestic and international jazz musicians.

      2023 서울재즈페스타


      Art yard where culture flows

      – Runs programs providing opportunities to enjoy culture in everyday life

  • 2022 check
    • Oct

      2022 Hosted Seoul Music Festival

      – Featured Baek Ji Young, Gummy, Lee Seok Hoon, Dynamic Duo, Ailee, Kim Jae Hwan, Jeong Se Woon, Kim Feel, Soran, BE’O, N.Flying, Woong San, etc.


      2022 Hosted Seoul International Music Fair (MU:CON)
      – Featured: Zico, 10cm, Wonstein, N.Flying, P1Harmony, Lucy, KARD, SURL, George, Bye Bye Sea, GAHO, Etc.

    • Sep

      2022 Seoul is Art Gallery
      – Public art project in cooperation with universities (September)
      – Public Art Festival (October)

    • Jul

      Live street performances in every nook of Seoul

      – From 2nd ~ 17th July, hosted street performance every weekend

    • Jun

      2022 Seoul Drum Festival

      – Hosted 24th Seoul Drum Festival

    • Apr

      Participated in Nodeul Island special venue operation agency bid & was selected as the agency
      – Interpark Nodeul Theater


      2022 Hosted Seoul Jazz Festival
      – Celebrating ‘World Jazz Day’, performances by domestic and international jazz musicians.

  • 2021 check
    • Sep

      Hosted cultural events celebrating the 2nd anniversary of the opening of the Nodeul island

      – Organized special performance: ‘THE WONDER WEEKS’

      – Organized a special exhibition ‘Nodeul Records’

    • Jun

      Eco-friendly campaign ‘Green Nodeul’ Challenge

      – Eco-friendly campaign for reducing the daily use of plastics (June ~ August)

      – Recruitment and operation of ‘p,lease’ exhibition (August), a plastic recipe for the earth we only temporaily inhabit.

    • Feb

      2021 Recruitment and operation of nodeul buskers

      – Selected 20 Nodeul Busking Teams

      – Operated outdoor busking (April onwards)

  • 2020 check
    • Dec

      Winter outdoor sculpture exhibition

      – My Dear Deer

    • Oct

      Hosted a first anniversary special cultural event of Nodeul Island

      – Special performance ‘Partner Life, Partner Music’ On/Offline

      – Special exhibition ‘Zoom In, tracing the locals’

    • Apr

      Hosted Music Nodeul ON AIR Online Concert

      – Featured10cm, Hello Gatoung, DICKPUNKS, GAHO, SURL, Broccoli,you too, Mr. Nah Band, Messgram, MONNI

  • 2019 check
    • Dec

      Operated skate rink of Nodeul Island

    • Sep

      The official opening of Nodeul Island(September 28th)


      Hosted opening festival of Nodeul Island

      – Held performance & cultural event under the theme of ‘Familiar Encounters’


    • Apr

      Released Nodeul Music Vol. 2 ‘I have a place I’d like to go’

      – Featuring Daybreak, LambC, The Solutions, Lee Minhyuk

  • 2018 check
    • Nov

      2018 Participated in Seoul Music Forum

      – Seoul Music Forum Showcase (feat. Nodeul Island Concert)

    • Sep

      2018 Nodeul Festival with Urban Renewal Expo

    • May

      Entered a bid as the Nodeul Island specialized space implementation executor and was selected as an operator

      – Urban Transformer, Flax & CO Consortium


  • 2017 check
    • Oct

      2017 Hosted Nodeul Festival with NAVER Creator Day
      – Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the construction of Hangang Bridge
      Groundbreaking ceremony of Nodeul Island

    • Sep

      Hosted residents’ briefing session of Nodeul Island

    • Jul

      Change of the specialized space creation project plan & design completion for Nodeul Island

    • Jun

      Capturing & relocation of Maengkkongy

      맹꽁이 서포터즈

      Mengkkongy supporters

    • Feb

      Restoration of biotope ecology & creation of the Mengkkongy habitat

  • 2016 check
    • Oct

      Creation of Maengkkongy habitat of Nodeul Island & their relocation
      – Comprehensive review of biotope Grade 1 site improvement & creation of the Maengkkongy habitat

    • Sep

      Published Nodeul Music Vol. 1 ‘Truthful heart only for you’
      – Featured: MeloMance, Soran, Jo SoJeong, Koxx

    • Aug

      Expert advisory board meeting for the creation of Nodeul Dream Island

      – Progressed A total of 10 sessions

    • Jul

      Designing commenced for Nodeul Island

    • Jun

      Implemented pilot project for Nodeul Island


      Executed public bidding for Nodeul Dream Island Space & Facility Construction (3rd)

      -Winner: MMK+ Architects

    • May

      Operated ‘Nodeul jang’ a flea market at Nodeul Island
      – Total 5 time over May ~ October


      Nodeul jang

  • 2015 check
    • Sep

      Executed public bidding for Nodeul Dream Island operation & Facility idea (2nd)
      – Winner: Band of Nodeul

      노들꿈섬 공모 2차 당선작


    • Jun

      Public bidding for Nodeul Dream Island operation (1st)

  • 2014 check
    • Dec

      Hosted a Debate Event of Citizens

    • Oct

      Hosted 2 sessions of expert & working-level workshops

    • Sep

      Citizen ideas contest for Nodeul Island
      –September 14th~October 17th, 2014(A total of 173 ideas submitted)

      노들섬 시민아이디어 공모 전시

      Citizen ideas Exhibition for Nodeul Island

    • Jul

      Promoted the reflection of citizens’ opinions on the use of Nodeul Island

      – Online citizen opinion poll (July 17th~August 31st, 2014. A total of 2,366 people participated)

      – Student Design Camp (July 25th ~ August 1st, 2014. 65 university students & 36 tutor participants)

    • Jan

      Held photo contests for Nodeul Island
      – Held a total of 4 contests a year



  • 2013 check
    • Dec

      Hosted public forum for citizens for Nodeul Island

      시민 공개 토론회

    • Aug

      Organized & operated forums of Nodeul Island

      – 6 forums, 5 operating committee meetings, subcommittee meetings by category

    • May

      Promoting the collection of expert opinions on the use of Nodeul Island

      – Research on expert opinions on the use of Nodeul Island (The Seoul Institute)

      – Raised the need to re-discuss the use of Nodeul Island


  • 2012 check
    • May

      The Han River Art Island project is on hold

      Long-term suspension of the project to secure budget and build social unity

      노들 텃밭



  • 2010 check
    • Sep

      Repeal of ordinance about ordinance on establishment & operation for Han River Art Island

    • Jul

      Enactment of ordinance on establishment & operation for Han River Art Island

    • Feb

      Decision for the changes of the urban management plan made

  • 2009 check
    • Mar

      Establishment of the ‘Art Island of the Han River’ construction plan

  • 2008 check
    • Mar

      Nodeul Island Performing Arts Center 2nd Invitational Design Competition Contest

      Architect Park Seung Hong’s “Dance” was selected as the winner (Announced in March 2009)

      박승홍 건축가, “춤” 당선안

      Architect Park Seung Hong’s “Dance”

  • 2007 check
    • Mar

      Nodeul Island Culture and Performing Arts Center Construction Public Opinion Collection Implementation Plan

  • 2006 check
    • Jan

      Nodle Island Arts Center 1st Design Invitation Competition

      – 1st place: Jean Nouvel, Joint 2nd place: Kim Jeong Gon, Anna Ranova Lundstrom (Announced in July 2006)

      -> Contract for the winning design of the invitational design competition (Jean Nouvel) cancelled(2008.5)

      노들섬 예술센터 지명초청 설계경기 공모 장 누벨 당선안

      Nodeul Island Art Center Jean Nouvel the winning design


  • 2005 check
    • Nov

      Enactment of ordinances regarding the establishment and management of the construction fund for Nodeul Island Art Center

    • Jun

      Seoul Metropolitan City’s purchase of Nodeul Island site

    • Apr

      International Idea Contest for Nodeul Island Art Center

      1st Place: Andrés Perea, Anna Ranova Lundstrom, Kim Jeong Gon, Fulia, Choi Seong Hee, etc.

      Nodeul Island Building of a cultural complex

    • Jan

      Nodeul Island Building of a cultural complex